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Shangdong Guohui Group held the deployment meeting for the inspection and acceptance work of the supervisory inspection team of "style construction year" activities

On November 17, Shangdong Guohui Group's Party Committee held a working meeting with the supervisory inspection team of the "style construction year" activity office to study the inspection and acceptance work of the activity summary and acceptance stage. Shi Peiliang, member of the Party Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and supervisor of the Group, presided over the meeting.


Shandong Guohui Group listened to and watched the lecture report on learning and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress in the system of state-owned enterprises

On November 8, the Party Committee of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a lecture on learning and implementing the spirit of the Twenty National Congress of the Party, and invited Tian Peiyan, a member of the Central Propaganda Group and deputy director of the Central Policy Research Office, to make a speech. The Party Committee of Shandong Guohui Group organized party members and cadres to listen to the lecture.


Yin Peng, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of Shandong Guohui Group, met with Xu Ming, Vice Mayor of Weihai City and Secretary of Rongcheng Municipal Committee

On October 23, Yin Peng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shandong Guohui Group, met with Xu Ming, Vice Mayor of Weihai City and Secretary of Rongcheng Municipal Party Committee, at the headquarters. The two sides had an in-depth exchange on marine biological products, new material industry and other fields.


Strengthening Innovation Drive Focusing on University-Enterprise Cooperation--Zhonghai Marine Deepens Technical Cooperation with Universities

In order to further promote the high quality development of the company, promote the university-enterprise alliance and enhance the innovation ability and core competitiveness of the company, on November 26 and November 28 Zhonghai Marine Chairman Ren Fengmin and General Counsel Lu Liangzhong met respectively with Professor Zhifeng Distinguished Professor of Ocean University of China, Dean of Marine Life College, Distinguished Professor of State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology of Shandong University, Director of Marine Biotechnology Zhonghai Marine exchanged views with the two professors on close communication and deepening cooperation.




Zhonghai Marine held a meeting to convey and study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions to study safety production, epidemic prevention and control, etc.

On November 25, Zhonghai Marine held a meeting to convey and study the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of production safety and epidemic prevention and control. The company's leadership team and cadres above middle level attended the meeting.


Inherit the red gene and strengthen the construction of style--Zhonghai Marine carried out the theme party day activity for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the group

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League, to vigorously carry forward the spirit of "Youthful Heart to the Party, Building a New Era" and to review the glorious history of the Party and the League, the Party Branch of Zhonghai Marine went to the CPC Qingdao Party History Memorial Hall to carry out a Party Day activity on the theme of learning the history of the Party and the League.


Zhonghai Marine held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the "Year of Style Construction" in 2022

On March 31, Qingdao Zhonghai Marine Biological Resources Development Co., Ltd. held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the "style construction year" activity in 2022 to fully implement the requirements of Shandong Guohui Group's "style construction year" activity and carry out mobilization and deployment.


Zhonghai Marine held a special meeting to study and convey the spirit of the Group's annual work conference

On March 2, Qingdao Zhonghai Marine Biological Resources Development Co., Ltd. held a special meeting to learn and convey the spirit of the Group's annual work conference. The company's leadership team, all party members and cadres above middle level attended the meeting.


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